6 October 2017 - Annual Workshop

News - October 9, 2017
Great interest and high attendance for the 2017 Life Eco-Pulplast project.
On Friday October 6, 2017, at Lucense in the Green Room, over 90 participants listened carefully to updates on the Life-Eco-Pulplast project, two years after its launch.
Simone Giangrandi from Lucense and Francesca Paoli from Selene, project coordinator, illustrated the project state of art, which has entered in its crucial phase, with the commissioning of the prototype line and the first pallets production.
A focus on environmental impact was explored by Irene Bartolozzi, School of Higher Education Sant’Anna Pisa. Through the LCA analysis, the life cycle of the product was analyzed by tracing impacts associated with each stage of its "lifetime", from design to raw material, from manufacture to consumption by customers, up to disposal, including the logistic phases for each stage. In addition, the encouraging results of preliminary analysis were shown to public.
Thanks to the collaboration of Versalis-Eni and the PRS Return System Pooling Partners, another crucial aspect of the project was addressed, that is to say how to test in real conditions pallets from pulper waste recycling and how to accelerate market outlook.
Numerous representatives of local industry, national stakeholders and local institutions were present.
At the end of the workshop, Franco Pasquali, Chair of the Forum Symbola, illustrated - in a broader intervention - the context in which the circular economy is integrated and MP Raffaella Mariani, congratulating for the results achieved so far by the project Life Eco Pulplast, stressed the great interest and attention to the topic also at national level, which resulted in concrete initiatives and inputs for the industrial sector and their recycling consortia, in order to expand the benefits and opportunities of the circular economy and reuse.
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TV News on NoiTV: Click here to see (IT only)
Enrico Fontana, Director – LUCENSE
Welcome speech
Tiziano Pieretti, President Paper and Paper Industry Section, SERVECO
The advantages for paper mills
Rossano Ercolini, President, ZERO WASTE EUROPE
Circular economy as a step towards collaboration economy
Francesca Paoli, SELENE
Simone Giangrandi, LUCENSE
Life EcoPulplast: updates on the project state of art
Alessandra Colombo, Product stewardship and sustainability, VERSALIS ENI
Andrea Verazzi, Marketing Manager Polyethlylene, VERSALIS ENI
The new Versalis business model for the circular economy: case studies
Irene Bartolozzi, School of Higher Education Sant'Anna PISA
LCA comparison of pallet plastic pallet waste and traditional wooden pallets
Bruno Gaslini, PRS Management BV – PRS Return System Pooling Partners
From pallet pooling to pallet handling
Franco Pasquali, President of Forum, SYMBOLA
Circular Economy
MP. Raffaella Mariani, Parliamentary Committee on Environment, Territory and Public Works
Closing speech
Transfer to Selene and Visit to the Prototype Plant.
Brochure download (IT only)
Watch the new project video! (IT only)
News - 12 July 2017
One year after the first conference in Capannori, we are glad to announce that a second Life Eco-Pulplast workshop is coming soon.
On October 6th 2017 we will present the first outstanding results of the project.
At Lucense, key-players of recycling sector, companies committed to environmental sustainability projects, politicians and stakeholders will discuss about benefits that a circular economy by recycling pulper waste will bring to paper mills and Lucca Paper district.
Project partners will inform on activities and results of this crucial project stage.
At the end of the workshop, at 1pm we will move to Selene for visiting the prototype line that will use pulper waste for the production of eco pallets, thus reducing environment impact and boosting circular economy,
A lunch will be offered at Selene.
Entrance free. Registration requested.
For any information about the workshop write to: info@life-ecopulplast.eu